The Marvel family has been so terribly stagnant under DC that I’m just happy to see some progress on these characters. Personally, I have no problems at all with the costume changes. has now ditched his blue costume and is sporting the vintage Captain Marvel red costume. The Trials of Shazam: I know that many people are unhappy with Billy ditching the red costume and sporting a white costume with a hood. This is so weak and makes this new Atom seem nothing more than a simple quota. Now, the Revolution has been very vocal about the need for more Hispanic and Asian characters in comics.
#Brave new world comics Pc#
This is the most blatantly obvious PC move to junk a white character and replace him with a minority character. But, this “new” Atom has a very similar costume, same name, same powers, is set in the same city and Ryan has the same job as Ray. Instead they have replaced Ray with Ryan, an Asian guy. Now, the Revolution has a huge problem with the fact that DC is not using Ray Palmer in this title. The Revolution is a huge fan of that talented gringo, David Lynch and I loved Twin Peaks. The preview article stated several times that the comic is set in Ivy Town which is going to be portrayed similar to Twin Peaks. I have never read anything by Gail Simone, so I don’t know if I will enjoy her style or not. The All New Atom: Now, I have seen the preview and the art looks nice. But, my pull list is already pretty crowded so The Creeper will have to blow me away in order to shove its way onto my pull list. If the art looks interesting I may pick up the first issue and check it out. Honestly, I’m surprised that DC is coming out with a Creeper comic book. I have never been a fan of this character. The fact that Jones is the writer and I don’t really have too much interest in Omac means that I’m going to pass on this title.

It is being written by Bruce Jones and I can barely stomach what he is doing over in Nightwing. Plus, it appears that we are going to have a new Ray. She is replaced by a character with the same name, same powers and same costume. Then why did DC have to kill the character in the first place? Same goes for Phantom Lady. I mean, c’mon, we kill the Human Bomb, just to replace him with….The Human Bomb. Having said that, I do have a problem with killing off characters just to replace them with characters with the same name and powers. I think that this title has an interesting cast of characters and should be a great read. And is there a connection between him and Father Time. Plus, I’m interested to see what Uncle Sam has been up to.

Daniel Acuna’s artwork looks fantastic! This is the Brave New World title that I am most looking forward to. If Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters is anything like Battle For Bludhaven then I’ll be happy. I have absolutely loved Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti’s work on Battle For Bludhaven. But, since I like the character, I’ll take a chance on this title. Now, I will get this title because I like the character and I’m interested to see what DC has in store for him. DC has never shown that they know what to do with this character outside of the JLA. Do I think that he can support his own title? No. He is a great character that works very well in the confines of the JLA. DC is also teasing that we are going to witness the “shocking return of a character you never thought you’d see again.” I have absolutely no idea which character they are planning to bring back. It will start with a one-shot issue and then herald the release of six new titles: Martian Manhunter, Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters, Omac, The Creeper, the All-New Atom and The Trials of Shazam. That brings me to this Brave New World gimmick that DC is unleashing on readers. And I thought that 52 got off to a slow start with issue #1, but I think that 52 is going to heat up fast. I have run hot and cold with the One Year Later storylines. The Revolution has already talked plenty about the One Year Later issues and 52. You can check out a short preview of Brave New World with a few preview panel shots right here. Infinite Crisis has berthed the One Year Later issues, 52 and Brave New World. Like any smart comic book company, DC Comics has seized upon the Infinite Crisis storyline to jumpstart their entire line up of comic books.